Mar 2, 2010

IELTS Listening Test


To most ICPU'ians, there is just a fortnight to go for us, especially the scholar to sit for our IELTS exam.. so, by now.. maybe you wanna do some practice on your listening test.. unfortunately, you didn't know how to, as you didn't have the CD of the speaker.. well, here i am, telling you that you can go to Language Centre and borrow the CD for a while.. The alternative way is to take the Audios from me myself, and also from Mohd Aminuddin b. Elias, our genius.. haha.. Sorry, i can upload them in online storage website, as the size was kind of big.. over 200MB for all the test1-test6.. But if u don't even know any of us, or maybe you hate us and decided not to see us again in  your life, try these links.. there have some pretty cool test, which you do it online and then check your marks straight away.. and it's free.. good luck with your practice.. erm.. ok, the exam too.. =)

9 Responses so far.

  1. Salam.
    EH, da nk IELTS k?
    Lupa lak dulu kena IELTS.
    Here from one of the senior's blog

  2. Anonymous says:

    Jgn cuak sgt ye. Rilek2 sudey.

  3. fa2din says:

    btol2.. rilek2 suda.. grade10 jek pun.. haha~

  4. AmmarX says:

    jgn cuak sgt smpai speaking dpt 5.5 cam aku. hahaha.

  5. fa2din says:

    haha.. 5.5?? nseb bek alberta xpkai ielts arn.. haha~

  6. ammar... ko patut blajar speaking ngan azman dowh... azman mosli... speaking die 8.0 kot.. tu yg die bgtau ak dlu la...xtau la kalo die kelentong...

  7. Unknown says:

    Best advices i can give pasal ielts are, sleep well the nite before (dont be like me, i was half asleep during listening test), have a good rest, no use panicking and DO NOT take ur own sweet time. Practice practice practice. If u are not good with listening, go to the learning centre and request untuk buat practice. I think they will let you. IF u are not good with reading, do lots and lots of questions. Speaking, well, i got not much advise on that, just remember, the other person in front of you is also a human. So dont be too nervous. Treat him/her like a friend. Speak well and be polite.

    I wish all icpu students good luck.

  8. sara says:

    if students want to pass ielts it is necessary to Doing Well in the IELTS Listenting Task

  9. Anonymous says:

    Thanks for sharing this nice post.IELTS Students should focus on each section of IELTS and learn the importance of IELTS listening test as it is also very important.

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